Abstract:Chicago’s Robert Taylor Homes became the infamous face for public housing in America due to their poor conditions, crime, and violent drug trade which ran throughout the twenty-eight building complex. However, in the 1990’s the federal government looked to reverse this by adopting the HOPE VI program to rehabilitate public housing. Planning and design played large roles in each of these distinct eras of US housing policy and lessons learned from one clearly informed the other.
Introduction 引言
Public housing policy in the United States has had a long and sometimes difficult past. Over the last half century, the US has twice seen dramatic shifts in the way people with the lowest income are housed. These shifts can be understood in multiple ways, with regard to their physical form, the social ideals and their implications, and the economic structure in which public housing projects get built. This complicated juxtaposition between the form, society, and economy makes housing policy and its application difficult to answer today in the US. While there appears to be a general understanding that government should play a role in providing basic public housing; the political, economic and public perception that surround this debate, creates a lasting tension between good intentions and the actual product.
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